“Imagination is more important than knowledge” – Albert Einstein.
A bold, yet true statement from the acclaimed professor. Quite simply, if you cannot imagine, any knowledge you have today is effectively limited, as you will lack what it takes to make that knowledge work for you! It is well known that todays "new" discovery becomes history tomorrow. I believe that imagination is absolutely important for the leader in us. If we did not have this great tool, we would be unable to paint those pictures of tomorrow that make us leaders of vision.
One of the hallmarks of wisdom is the ability to think of the end from the beginning. Imagination is an important tool that we all have in our lockers. Imagination is also perhaps the most misused tool known to man. In order to achieve anything good, so that you live a life of fulfilment - you must use this tool, and use it wisely! Living our lives with the end in mind means consistently using our imagination to weave and hold on the picture that the future must be.
It is often said that wise people think of events way before those events take place – and are therefore able to dictate or influence those events. Those who are “medium-wise” think of the events that are happening today, while those with degrees in “stupidology” only ever consider events that have passed – and often wallow in self pity – blaming their lot on a variety of people or influences; never taking responsibility for their actions.
Imagination is a potent tool. It enables us, to step out of the boundaries of time. It moves us into a different dimension where we are able to effectively draw a picture of the future and then step back into the present to create the beauty that we have imagined.
It is important that we do not spend our time considering conflict, strife or for envious hankering after things that other people have. If you do this, your imagination becomes a festering ground for negativity – and takes on a new reality as a tool for designing shame, sorrow, bitterness, fear and pain – all the things that it was set up to guard you against! Remember, imagination time is creativity time! If we misuse our “creativity time", we leave a yawning gap between current selves and the fullness of what we could have become.
Your existence has a purpose, a design. The eagle is designed to fly just as the fish is designed to swim. If you saw these two exchanged – a fish taking to the highest skies of an eagle swimming powerfully underwater, you would know instantly that something is wrong – especially as neither animal will survive in the wrong environment. What we do is inherent in our design and yet, we must use the tools we have been given to ensure that we fulfil our purpose – the eagle’s wings and eyesight are tools for its purpose; while the fins and respiratory system of a fish are also specifically adapted for its environment.
Knowing what you have been purposed or designed to do does not send your imagination into retirement; rather it calls for this amazing tool to be used – effectively. Remember, your vision is a product of your imagination – your imagination must be inextricably linked to your purpose in order to be effective.
Imagination poorly used is practically the same as a lack of imagination. To paraphrase from the bible, you are essentially what you think [Proverbs 23:7]. Another bible passage declares that where there is no vision, the people perish [Proverbs 29:18]. If you imagine small things, you may never reach the fullness that you have to potential to reach. By the same token, if you imagine big [not reckless], you give yourself a better chance of achieving big. I will write more about big and small imagination later.
So, kick-start your imagination! Get into the habit of looking at the end before engaging in activities. I trained myself to do that and I found myself gravitating quickly away from the “dumb” to the "wise" end of the people spectrum.
November 2012
PS There is no such word as "stupidology". I borrowed that word off Pastor David Burrows of the Bahamas Faith Ministries. :)
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