What do you dream about?
By dream, I am not referring to the activity that happens while you are asleep, but rather to those pictures and recurring thoughts that occupy – and blatantly refuse to be shifted from – your mind while you are awake. I am referring to the birthplace of many of the ideas that have impacted our world for the better.
- Dreams are those invisible constructs that many success stories have sprung from.
- Dreams have the uncanny ability to bring purpose into view.
- Dreams link up with imagination to paint beautiful pictures of the future
- Dreams bring light in times of darkness, downturns, double-dips and other negative D’s.
- Dreams prepare a place for creativity to start work.
- Dreams keep hope alive.
- Dreams empower the physical to stretch beyond known capacity.
- Dreams instruct the mind on possibilities. Dreams are indeed a great tool for advancement…
If you do dream, here are my top 5 things to do with them…
- Write your dream down
- Share your dream with someone
- Expect and enjoy the shouts of “impossible!” you will get when you reveal your dream
- Recognize the power of your dream and its ability to change the world
- Take actions towards the realization of your dream [plan, implement, review...]
I will write in some detail about dreams in future posts.
Yomi Odukoya